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Municipal water and wastewater sedimentation and thickening

Industrial water and wastewater sedimentation and thickening


Peripheral drive scraping and suction type clarifiers and thickeners

Clarifier Diameter: 15-60 m.

Thickener diameter: 15-30 m.



EM17 – Peripheral drive clarifier

EM29 – Peripheral drive clarifier


Central drive scraping and suction type clarifiers and thickeners

Clarifier diameter: 5-40 m.

Thickener diameter: 3-15 m.



EM10 – Central drive scraping thickener

EM16 – Central drive scraping clarifier

EM18 – Central drive, radial bridge, torsion trestle scraping clarifier

EM30 – Central drive, radial bridge, torsion trestle suction type clarifier



Oil and grease collecting system with scraping blade

Oil and grease collecting system with submersible pump

Weirs and scum blades automatic cleaning system with motorized brush

Telescopic valve

Ice protection on running path

Wheel slipping alarm